Eis o alinhamento final do DVD especial da WWE sobre o seu show, SNME:
Disco 1
*Gene Okerlund – A Must See Attraction
*WWE Championship Match, Hulk Hogan vs. ‘Cowboy’ Bob Orton, Saturday Night’s Main Event May 11, 1985
*Uncle Elmer’s Wedding, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 5, 1985
*‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper vs. ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 5, 1985
*A Trip to the Zoo, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 5, 1985
*Gene Okerlund – Field Reporting
*Halloween Contest, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 2, 1985
*WWE Championship Match, Hulk Hogan vs. Terry Funk, Saturday Night’s Main Event January 4, 1986
*Randy Orton Reflects on his Dad
*Boxing Match, Mr. T. vs. ‘Cowboy’ Bob Orton, Saturday Night’s Main Event March 1, 1986
*Gene Okerlund – Settling the Score
*Snake Pit Match, Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts vs. Ricky ‘the Dragon’ Steamboat, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 4, 1986
*Jake ‘the Snake’ Reflects on Saturday Night’s Main Event
*WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage vs. Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 29, 1986
*Gene Okerlund – The Steel Cage Match
*Steel Cage Match, Hulk Hogan vs. ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff, Saturday Night’s Main Event January 3, 1987
*Gene Okerlund – The 8th Wonder of the World
*Battle Royal, Saturday Night’s Main Event March 14, 1987
*Natalya Neidhart Reflects on her Dad
*Best 2 out of 3 Falls, Hart Foundation vs. British Bulldogs, Saturday Night’s Main Event May 2, 1987
*Gene Okerlund – Insurance Policy
*WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, Honky Tonk Man vs. ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 3, 1987
*Mega Power Formation, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 3, 1987
*The Union of the Mega Powers
*”Piledriver” Music Video, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 3, 1987
*‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage vs. Bret Hart, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 28, 1987
*First Ever Match on SNME, Ricky Steamboat & The US Express vs. The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff & George “The Animal” Steele, Saturday Night’s Main Event - May 11, 1985
*“Real American” Music Video, Saturday Night’s Main Event – March 1, 1986
Disc 2
*Gene Okerlund – Turning Back the Clock
*WWE Championship Match, Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy, Saturday Night’s Main Event January 2, 1988
*Gene Okerlund – The Rematch
*WWE Championship Match, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, Main Event February 5, 1988
*Ted DiBiase Reflects on his Dad
*‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage vs. ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted Dibiase, Saturday Night’s Main Event March 12, 1988
*Andre Passes Out, Saturday Night’s Main Event March 12, 1988
*Hulk Hogan vs. ‘The King’ Harley Race, Saturday Night’s Main Event March 12, 1988
*Gene Okerlund – Macho Madness
*‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage vs. Andre the Giant, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 26, 1988
*‘Hacksaw’ Jim Duggan Reflects on His Flag Match, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 26, 1988
*WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, Ultimate Warrior vs. Honky Tonk Man, Saturday Night’s Main Event January 7, 1989
*Brutus Beefcake Shaves Ron Bass’ head, Saturday Night’s Main Event January 7, 1989
*Gene Okerlund – A Supreme Alliance
*Twin Towers vs. Mega Powers, Main Event February 3, 1989
*Gene Okerlund – A Grueling Encounter
*Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship, Hulk Hogan vs. Big Bossman, Saturday Night’s Main Event May 27, 1989
*Best 2 out of 3 Falls, Rockers vs. Brain Busters, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 25, 1989
*Brother Love Interviews Hulk Hogan, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 26, 1988
*Dusty Rhodes vs. Big Bossman - Sapphire’s Debut, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 25, 1989
Disc 3
*Gene Okerlund – Hogan vs. The Genius
*Mr. Perfect & The Genius Smash the WWE Title, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 25, 1989
*Hulk Hogan & Ultimate Warrior vs. Mr. Perfect & The Genius, Saturday Night’s Main Event January 27, 1990
*Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura on Horseback, Saturday Night’s Main Event April 28, 1990
*Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect, Saturday Night’s Main Event April 28, 1990
*Rockers vs. Hart Foundation, Saturday Night’s Main Event April 28, 1990
*Gene Okerlund – Intercontinental Competition
*WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, Mr. Perfect vs. Tito Santana, Saturday Night’s Main Event July 28, 1990
*Oktoberfest, Saturday Night’s Main Event October 13, 1990
*20 Man Battle Royal, Saturday Night’s Main Event April 27, 1991
*Bret Hart vs. ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase, Saturday Night’s Main Event April 27, 1991
*Gene Okerlund – FOX Takes Over
*Undertaker & Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan & Sid Justice, Saturday Night’s Main Event February 8, 1992
*Roddy Piper Shocks The Mountie, Saturday Night’s Main Event February 8, 1992
*WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels, Saturday Night’s Main Event November 14, 1992
*Gene Okerlund – The Return
*Street Fight, Shawn Michaels vs. Shane McMahon, Saturday Night’s Main Event March 18, 2006
*RKO on Hulk Hogan, Saturday Night’s Main Event July 15, 2006
*5 on 2 Elimination Match, D-Generation X vs. Spirit Squad, Saturday Night’s Main Event July 15, 2006
*Gene Okerlund – One of the Greatest Rivalries in Sports
*WWE Championship Match, Edge vs. John Cena, Saturday Night’s Main Event July 15, 2006
*Gene Okerlund – Television History
*Alfred Hayes & Gene Okerlund Go On Safari, Saturday Night’s Main Event – July 28, 1990
*Shawn Michaels Talks About Winning His First Intercontinental Title
*Matt Hardy Talks About Boxing Evander Holyfield
Fonte: NWO
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